** Program Name: Predicting sectoral GDP (county) using VIIRS-like NTL, MODIS landcover, and net primary productivity
** Author: Yilin Chen
** Date: 2023-09-30
** Inputs/Ouputs:
* Data files used: 
  * <>

* Data files created as intermediate product:
cd "/Users/yilinchen/Documents/PhD/thesis/PhD_2022_2025/data"

** 1. Setup
clear all
macro drop _all
capture log close
set more off
set maxvar 32767
version 17

** 2. Import county level dataset
use county_longpanel.dta, clear

*calculte the area of croplands
gen lg101214 = ln(0.01 + v26 + v28 + v30)
label variable lg101214 "Log (croplands)"

*Drop Hongkong, Macau, Taiwan and Sansha city in South China Sea (no population)
drop if province_id == 810000 | province_id == 820000 | province_id == 710000
drop if city_id == 460300


** 3. Run regressions
*Set panel	
egen new_county_id = group(county_id)

xtset new_county_id year
xi i.year i.new_county_id
set matsize 11000

*** 4. Predict GDP
**Non-agriculture GDP
xtreg lg_nonagri lg_totalsol _Iyear_* _Inew_count_2-_Inew_count_2848, robust cluster(new_county_id)
predict lg_nonagri_linear, xb		
gen beta_1=_b[lg_totalsol]	
forvalues i = 2/2848 {
    gen beta_county_`i' = _b[_Inew_count_`i']

forvalues y = 2002/2020 {
    gen beta_year_`y' = _b[_Iyear_`y']
gen const_1=_b[_cons]	

gen lg_nonagri_predicted = const_1

qui replace lg_nonagri_predicted = lg_nonagri_predicted + beta_1*lg_totalsol

forvalues i = 2/2848 {
    local county_var _Inew_count_`i'
    qui gen temp_beta = beta_county_`i' if `county_var' == 1
    qui replace temp_beta = 0 if missing(temp_beta)
    qui replace lg_nonagri_predicted = lg_nonagri_predicted + temp_beta
    qui drop temp_beta

forvalues y = 2002/2020 {
    local year_var _Iyear_`y'
    qui gen temp_beta = beta_year_`y' if `year_var' == 1
    qui replace temp_beta = 0 if missing(temp_beta)
    qui replace lg_nonagri_predicted = lg_nonagri_predicted + temp_beta
    qui drop temp_beta

foreach var of varlist beta_* {
    drop `var'

drop const_1

**Agriculture GDP
xtreg lg_agri lg_ruralnpp _Iyear_* _Inew_count_2-_Inew_count_2848, robust cluster(new_county_id)

predict lg_agri_linear, xb	
gen beta_1=_b[lg_ruralnpp]	
forvalues i = 2/2848 {
    gen beta_county_`i' = _b[_Inew_count_`i']

forvalues y = 2002/2020 {
    gen beta_year_`y' = _b[_Iyear_`y']
gen const_1=_b[_cons]	

gen lg_agri_predicted = const_1

qui replace lg_agri_predicted = lg_agri_predicted + beta_1*lg_ruralnpp

forvalues i = 2/2848 {
    local county_var _Inew_count_`i'
    qui gen temp_beta = beta_county_`i' if `county_var' == 1
    qui replace temp_beta = 0 if missing(temp_beta)
    qui replace lg_agri_predicted = lg_agri_predicted + temp_beta
    qui drop temp_beta

forvalues y = 2002/2020 {
    local year_var _Iyear_`y'
    qui gen temp_beta = beta_year_`y' if `year_var' == 1
    qui replace temp_beta = 0 if missing(temp_beta)
    qui replace lg_agri_predicted = lg_agri_predicted + temp_beta
    qui drop temp_beta

foreach var of varlist beta_* {
    drop `var'

drop const_1

**GDP per capita
xtreg county_lggdppc lg_totalmol _Iyear_* _Inew_count_2-_Inew_count_2848, robust cluster(new_county_id)
predict lg_gdppc_linear, xb	
gen beta_1=_b[lg_totalmol]		
forvalues i = 2/2848 {
    gen beta_county_`i' = _b[_Inew_count_`i']

forvalues y = 2002/2020 {
    gen beta_year_`y' = _b[_Iyear_`y']

gen const_1=_b[_cons]	

gen lg_gdppc_predicted = const_1

qui replace lg_gdppc_predicted = lg_gdppc_predicted + beta_1*lg_totalmol

forvalues i = 2/2848 {
    local county_var _Inew_count_`i'
    qui gen temp_beta = beta_county_`i' if `county_var' == 1
    qui replace temp_beta = 0 if missing(temp_beta)
    qui replace lg_gdppc_predicted = lg_gdppc_predicted + temp_beta
    qui drop temp_beta

forvalues y = 2002/2020 {
    local year_var _Iyear_`y'
    qui gen temp_beta = beta_year_`y' if `year_var' == 1
    qui replace temp_beta = 0 if missing(temp_beta)
    qui replace lg_gdppc_predicted = lg_gdppc_predicted + temp_beta
    qui drop temp_beta

foreach var of varlist beta_* {
    drop `var'

drop const_1

*Generate new variables
gen lg_totalgdp_predicted= ln(exp(lg_agri_predicted) + exp(lg_nonagri_predicted))

label variable lg_nonagri_predicted "Predicted non-agriculture GDP (log) using NTL"
label variable lg_agri_predicted "Predicted agriculture GDP (log) using NPP"
label variable lg_totalgdp_predicted "Predicted total GDP (log) using NTL and NPP"
label variable lg_gdppc_predicted "Predicted per capita GDP (log) using NTL"

*Drop useless columns 
foreach var of varlist _Inew_count_* {
    drop `var'

foreach var of varlist _Iyear_* {
    drop `var'

foreach var of varlist beta_* {
    drop `var'


*** 5. Save dta file
save "/Users/yilinchen/Documents/PhD/thesis/PhD_2022_2025/data/county_predicted.dta", replace